Local Restaurants and the Power of Social Media
There is science behind the idea of images of food in advertising, and large corporations have been capitalizing on it for decades. We...

New Year's Resolutions for Small Businesses
New Year’s Resolutions… the thought sends shivers down the spines of many. The statistics are sobering. Only about 8% of people succeed...

Holiday Shopping
Ok- I admit it. I am one of those crazy people who is still shopping for last minute gifts on December 24th at 2pm. Inevitably, it's...

Social Media and Small Business in 2015
2015 will be here before you know it. Many will be watching the ball drop in Times Square- most from their televisions- while singing...

Penguin 3.0 Refresh
Six weeks ago, on October 17, Google rolled out Penguin 3.0. The reviews were mixed, but a few sites were hit pretty hard. However, on...

Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday is almost as popular as Black Friday in the United States. The term was first used in 2005 and refers to the Monday after...

Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday is recognized as the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It started in 2010 as an American Express campaign and is a...

Black Friday…Not as great as it used to be?
By the time many people are waking up the morning after Thanksgiving, many other Americans have already been shopping for several hours....

Social Media and E-Commerce
Does Social Media make a difference when it comes to E-Commerce? There's no arguement that Social Media helps businesses to connect with...

Google Experimenting with Google Shopping
Google is trying something new with Google Shopping The example that is pictured shows products from a specific jeweler that is...